23 May 2022

3delite MP4 Stream Editor MirrorAce , DropGalaxy , Uploaded And Mirrored


• The installer is bundled with Context Menu Audio Converter

• Search for and download movie details from The Movie Data Base for MP4 files

• Window display scaling support

• New 'Organize Music Files From Folder' tool

• Support of HLS internet audio streams

• User interface style system

• Edit ID3v2 tags for DSD .dff files

• Native DSD editor and native DSD player mode through DSD enabled ASIO devices

• Convert DSD DFF audio files to DSF format (multi channel supported)

• Native support of decodeless editing of DSD .dff and .dsf audio files (DSD64, DSD128, DSD256, DSD512)

• Support of playing/editing DSD .dff and .dsf audio files (DSD64, DSD128, DSD256, DSD512)

• New functionality: full-screen currently playing song information (HD/Ultra HD compatible) for broadcast

• Tagging support (ID3v2) of DSD .dsf audio files

• Full support of WAV LIST INFO, BEXT and CART tags (RF64 WAV files are also supported)

• Output information casting server now supports multiple login accounts each with custom rights

• Option to control casting server by client (play/pause/stop/previous/next)

• Option to select channels to edit, when editing in channels mode DSP efect plugins can be applied to selected channels only

• Option to save selection in channels mode (only selected channels will be saved)

• New "Sonogram" sample display mode with adjustable scale and FFT resolution

• New sample edit command "Reverse" to reverse the selection

• New sample edit command "Change tempo" to apply "time-warping" to the selection (changes the sound to play at faster or slower speed than original, without affecting the sound pitch)

• New sample edit command "Change pitch" (changes the sound pitch or key, without affecting the sound tempo or speed)

• New effect plugin "UnDistort" to fix distorted audios, repair demaged audio, remove artifacts from audio files

• Output casting information (meta data) server option with full meta data, cover art, chat and download song option

• Cast output server option with Shoutcast/Icecast casting support

• Encoding to AC3 format

• Record output functionality with re-mixing and encoding preset system support

• Decodeless edit support for Ogg Vorbis and Opus audio files

• Full support of Ogg Flac audio files

• Search for lyrics with Google

• New default icon theme

• New commands for 'Detailed tag editing': look-up tags and cover art from beatport.com and amazon.com

• Reduced sample display's memory usage by 50%

• Encoding to Windows Media Audio (Professional) format

• Loading support of ID3v2.2 tags (they are converted to ID3v2.3)

• Added option to listen and save multiple internet audio streams at the same time

• Full support for WMA tags including detailed tag editing and cover art manager

• Support for WASAPI (loopback) mode audio recording

• Detailed encoding options for Flac format and full support for Flac tags with detailed editing and managing of cover arts

• Support for ASIO and WASAPI audio output mode

• Encode list accepts all supported audio file formats and defaults to 'Automatic tag' mode that is all the supported tag formats are converted to the destination file format's tags

• New encoding target QAAC (Apple's MP4 implementation) and support for encoding to Apple Lossless format

• Sample precise editing in WAV (non-MPEG) mode

• 'Sound search' functionality: find occurrances of an audio clip in the opened stream

• Full support for Ogg Vorbis audio files including detailed tag editing with support for cover arts

• Full support for Opus audio files including detailed tag editing with support for cover arts

• Cover art thumbnail list view mode for the stream list

• Reading-writing support for MP4 tags (detailed edit and cover art manager too)

• True gapless playback

• Support for the new Opus audio codec (opening, playing, encoding to and CD ripping to)

• 6 new DSP effect plugins

• All plugins support multiple instances

• Sample edit commands to apply MP4 Stream Editor and VST DSP effect plugins

• Direct3D sample display rendering is multi threaded

• Multi channel editing option for all the supported audio formats

• Encoding to AAC/MP4

• Full support for RF64 WAV audio files

• Freely configurable matrix mixing with savable profiles

• VST DSP plugin support

• Detailed advanced search functionality

• Customize Stream List columns display

• Detailed ID3v2 tag editor

• APEv2 tag support in Tag editor, Multi Tagger and album info

• Audio system rewritten for BASS 2.4 and implemented a main mixer channel

• Sample display switched to TGraphDisplay3D

• Loading and saving of ID3v2.4 tags

• Option to edit WMA Tags

• Album cover picture formats supported: JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP

• MP3 cutting is more precise

• On program exit playlist status is saved and playback is resumed on program start

• Audio CD cover printing option

• Unicode support

• Improved secondary display full screen visualisation

• Updated Filesystem Dialogs (with unicode support)





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