03 March 2022

HTML Compiler 2022.3 (x64) MirrorAce , DropGalaxy , Uploaded And Mirrored

Whats New

* Add the new SQLite sample app. This new sample app show how we can use the SQL.js Javascript library in order to use SQLite databases from our apps. We can create databases from scratch, as well to load existing database files (even if we compile the database file in our apps executables) and save database files from our apps. The sample app is quite simple, but, at the same time, show how we can do the principal tasks to deal with SQLite databases: load a database file if exists, create a database table, save the database into a file and perform SQL queries to select and to insert new information into the database. Probably the two more important tasks that the sample show is how we can load a database from a file and how to save a database into a file. Take a look at the index.html file of the sample app for more information and details.





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