17 February 2022

Display Light Table Lamp v3.0.12 MirrorAce , DropGalaxy , Rapidu And Mirrored

What's New

- Billing library upgraded

- Ui refresh

Sap Info

● Single Package APK (No SAI Needed);

● Languages: None;

● Supported CPU architecture: None;

● Supported DPIs: Ldpi, Mdpi, Tvdpi, Hdpi, Xhdpi, Xxhdpi, Xxxhdpi.

Mod Info

● Ad Free Unlock.

● All Unnecessary Menu Item Remove Like

- Privacy Policy, More App, About, Rate, Share, Tutorial.

● Ads Related Activity & Code Removed / Disabled.

● Ads Related Layouts Visibility Gone.

● Analytics / Crashlytics Removed / Disabled.

● Receivers and Services Removed / Disabled.

● Google Play Store Install Package Check Disable.

● In-App Billing Service Removed / Disabled.

● Play Services, Transport, Firebase Properties Removed.

● All Unnecessary Garbage Folder & File Removed.

● Duplicate Dpi Item Remove Like

- Bar Length, Drawable Size, Gap Between Bars.

● Splits0 File Removed (Resources & AndroidManifest).

● Splits0 Releated Unnecessary Meta-Data Remove Like

- Stamp Source, Stamp Type Standalone Apk, Android Vending Splits, Android Vending Derived Apk.

● Optimized PNG Save To 381 Kb.

● Re-Compressed Classes.dex & Library.

● Optimized Graphics / Zipalign.

● Removed Debug Information (Source, Line, Param, Prologue, Local).

● Total Apk Size 16.1 Mb.





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