30 April 2021

Earn Money easy adf.ly

As a blog owner, you have probably considered countless times some of the strategies offered on the net to earn extra money.

One of the options is Google Adsense, which allows publishers to earn income by placing ads on their websites. But there are many others, including Adf.ly. But what is Adf.ly, how does it work and what will it allow you with your blog?

What is Adf.ly

This is a URL shortener with which you can earn money for the links you share. In principle, it is intended for bloggers who want to obtain some economic benefit and is usually used in links that lead to programs. For those editors who, in addition to blogging, have profiles created on different social networks, it is a real luxury for various reasons:

Once your post is published, you will make it viral thanks to the networks, which can make that post have a much greater impact and many more visits.

There are certain social networks like Twitter that have character limits, which in turn would have two implicit advantages:
- On the one hand, you could use Adf.ly without problem, since it would shorten the url where your post is located and, therefore, it would not suffer the consequences of space limitation.

- On the other hand, by using Adf.ly you would be making money.

How to use it

In order to use it, you must first register. This is still free today. Once the registration is done, when you want to share a link, you will have to access Adf.ly and paste the URL. Then, a new and shorter URL will be generated for you, which will be the one you should use to share your publications.

How does it work

When you use Adf.ly, an integrated publishing link is created that will take you to a website where you will see the Adf.ly advertising. But don't worry, because this advertisement will only last a few seconds. Then it will take you to the original URL that you shared. That is, those who access that link will first go through the Adf.ly advertising and then the post or link that you had shared.

Why many bloggers prefer not to use it

Well, for a simple reason: when a user clicks on a link it is because he wants to find something in particular, either because he is interested, or because it has caught his attention. The normal thing is that when you access you find what you are looking for, not something different that you did not expect, and that is advertising. Hence, many prefer not to use it.
Well yes, in these times there are still those who prefer to leave their followers happy than their pockets.

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